75. Preparing To Sell A Collection

In today’s episode Steph and I are talking about the different steps each of us goes through when preparing our work to sell.  This is different for both of us because we each sell our work in different ways.  I sell mine directly to customers via my newsletter and website, whereas Steph sells through retailers.   

In our conversation we zone in on some of the challenging parts of the process which for me includes lots of photo editing and time on  the computer, and also those first moments just after hitting publish. For Steph, it’s deciding when her works are ready to let go, and then actually packaging and sending them off.   

I think each of us has these moments with different aspects of the journey. Hear more about…

  • How to reframe the ‘drudgery’ work of your art biz.

  • Switching modalities from creation to sales.

  • Why we both work in collections.

  • Caring for yourself emotionally while in sales mode.

I hope you enjoy the episode!

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My online class ‘Painting As a Practice – Playful Classes in Mixed Media Painting Designed to Nurture You Authentic Style’ is here!

Are you struggling to find the time and space for a regular art practice? Or feeling stuck or not knowing where to begin with mixed media painting? Or perhaps you are feeling burned out and deflated in your creative practice and want to reignite that spark that you lost along the way?

Then ‘Painting As a Practice is the perfect class for you.

Click below to find out more about how you can nurture your own art practice


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76. Expressing Your Authentic Self With Sarah Coey


74. Transforming Art Education - Artist Interview With Ange Miller