74. Transforming Art Education - Artist Interview With Ange Miller

In today’s episode I’m chatting with fellow Australian artist Ange Miller. Ange is a Multi impassioned artist, currently working on large-scale organic acrylic and oil abstracts on canvas.    

She also teaches masterclasses both online and offline, is a creativity coach and is passionate about sharing her perspective on the traditional art education system that she taught within for many years. 

Ange has observed first hand the blocks that can happen as a result of this kind of education. In her own educational offerings, she’s constantly evolving new ways for her students to discover and work from their own unique creative identity.   

I really loved digging deep into so many topics with Ange throughout this conversation and I hope you enjoy the episode.   

  • How her experiences teaching within the Art School system has given her a unique insight into the values of traditional education and how they are misaligned with the creative brain.

  • How she’s launched a membership group to help people re-landscape their art-brain.

  • Keeping the flame of creativity alive within ourselves and our children.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

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More about Ange Miller

Mother of 4, living in a small leafy town on Australia's Central Coast at the edge of Lake Macquarie.

Multi impassioned, internationally collected Australian artist, currently working on large scale organic acrylic and oil abstracts on canvas.

Ange is also a creativity coach on a mission to empower women to connect deeply to their gloriously unique creative identity.

She sees much of humanity's lack of creative confidence is attributed to our schooling after suffering the tedium and irrelevance of her own school experience.

Ange completed a Ba in Visual Arts and went on to teach university level Painting & Drawing for 10 years. This is where her holistic teaching approach was formed.

She now works full time making art (in 2018 she collaborated with Australian fashion brand Mimco on a seasonal accessories collection and last December fulfilled a commission of 5 artworks for the new 6 star Crown Residences in Sydney's darling Harbour.)

But even more than painting she loves creating online courses, workshops and coaching programs which focus on personal transformation through developing artistic skills and reconnecting women with their powerful creative spark.


My online class ‘Painting As a Practice – Playful Classes in Mixed Media Painting Designed to Nurture You Authentic Style’ is here!

Are you struggling to find the time and space for a regular art practice? Or feeling stuck or not knowing where to begin with mixed media painting? Or perhaps you are feeling burned out and deflated in your creative practice and want to reignite that spark that you lost along the way?

Then ‘Painting As a Practice is the perfect class for you.

Click below to find out more about how you can nurture your own art practice


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75. Preparing To Sell A Collection


73. Embracing A Feminine Approach To Your Art Biz