76. Expressing Your Authentic Self With Sarah Coey

In today’s conversation I’m chatting with Scottish abstract artist Sarah Coey.  Sarah is perhaps best known for her bright and colourful rainbow paintings, and for being one of the most joyful places on Instagram. 

In this interview Sarah walks us through her early days at art school, graduating into a global financial crisis and eventually finding her way to becoming a successful commercial artist.   

She’s the mother of two boys, a 3-year-old and a 5-month-old, so we also chatted about making it work when you have little ones around, and how she finds time during maternity leave to keep her art business running. 

Sarah and I also chat about her passion for being authentic on social media and in all her business interactions - and how this can help you connect with your audience and inspire sales.  She also shares with us her views on affordable art. 

Sarah and I also dig deep into the issue of copying.  We share different ways we’ve had our artwork blatantly stolen by companies. We also discuss how tricky it can be to navigate your feelings and all the grey areas when confronted with being copied by other artists.  

We touch on so many interesting areas in this conversation, like...

  • Her relationship with colour and how she uses it to express herself.

  • Why she’s not afraid to share the bad along with the good when it comes to social media.

  • How she mindfully chooses to build her business on deep relationships with her clients.

  • Why she prioritizes the concept of affordable art.

  • How she dealt with the confronting situation of having her work replicated.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

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My online class ‘Painting As a Practice – Playful Classes in Mixed Media Painting Designed to Nurture You Authentic Style’ is here!

Are you struggling to find the time and space for a regular art practice? Or feeling stuck or not knowing where to begin with mixed media painting? Or perhaps you are feeling burned out and deflated in your creative practice and want to reignite that spark that you lost along the way?

Then ‘Painting As a Practice is the perfect class for you.

Click below to find out more about how you can nurture your own art practice


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77. Lifestyle Photography For Artists


75. Preparing To Sell A Collection