73. Embracing A Feminine Approach To Your Art Biz

Sometimes in our creative journey we get drawn into divergent creative paths that don’t always make sense in terms of our existing work or the core money earners in our business.   

 In todays episode steph and I explore our own experiences with recently exploring work that we felt drawn to make and why we feel it’s so important to follow the creative threads and compulsions in our creative practice- because you just never know where they might be leading. 

 We also talk about our experience with working within our own feminine cycles and how we feel that working cyclically is a much better way for us to develop our businesses when compared to the traditional patriarchal business model. 

  • How exploring new creative threads can inform your current art practice.

  • Shifting between new explorative work and the safety of the familiar.

  • What it means to reject the masculine paradigm of making money and step into the feminine.

  • How exploration phases can uncover ‘full body YES’ moments that propel us forward.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

Suse ox


My online class ‘Painting As a Practice – Playful Classes in Mixed Media Painting Designed to Nurture You Authentic Style’ is here!

Are you struggling to find the time and space for a regular art practice? Or feeling stuck or not knowing where to begin with mixed media painting? Or perhaps you are feeling burned out and deflated in your creative practice and want to reignite that spark that you lost along the way?

Then ‘Painting As a Practice is the perfect class for you.

Click below to find out more about how you can nurture your own art practice


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74. Transforming Art Education - Artist Interview With Ange Miller


72. Selling Art Through Retail With Jessie Rigby