72. Selling Art Through Retail With Jessie Rigby

This week I’m chatting with contemporary artist Jessie Rigby. I fell in with Jessie’s beautiful abstract landscape paintings long ago and she lives not too far from me in the Macedon ranges of Victoria, so I’ve been wanting to have her on the podcast for a while.   

Jessie and I share a lot of parallels in our careers, both of us starting out in the fashion industry before finding our art path.  But Jessie has taken a different road with selling her work,- pursuing a more commercial avenue of  working with boutique homewares outlets and galleries.  So we chatted through some of the advantages and disadvantages of working this way.   

We also talk through lots of practical tips such as how she works on pre-fabricated framed canvases, who her fave stockists and suppliers are, and of course her amazing new, customised and removable art studio. 

I really hope you enjoy this conversation with the gorgeous Jessie as much as I enjoyed having it. 

  • Paying attention to the scale of work our bodies call for.

  • Jessie’s unique, moveable studio space

  • Building relationships with retail store owners to sell her art and tips for you to do the same.

  • Her experiences with pricing.

  • How support from her studio assistant Beth has streamlined all her processes to relive stress and free up time.

  • How leaning into her artists community has helped her feel held in her solo pursuit.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

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My online class ‘Painting As a Practice – Playful Classes in Mixed Media Painting Designed to Nurture You Authentic Style’ is here!

Are you struggling to find the time and space for a regular art practice? Or feeling stuck or not knowing where to begin with mixed media painting? Or perhaps you are feeling burned out and deflated in your creative practice and want to reignite that spark that you lost along the way?

Then ‘Painting As a Practice is the perfect class for you.

Click below to find out more about how you can nurture your own art practice


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73. Embracing A Feminine Approach To Your Art Biz


71. Getting The Support You Deserve Within Your Art Business