59. How to prepare for a sustained period of creativity

Oh my goodness it's good to be back for our first episode of 2021! This week on the podcast I sat down and caught up with my gorgeous studio assistant Steph about all the gorgeous inspiration that has come about from the break that we both took over the past few weeks.

Oh my goodness it’s good to be back for our first episode of 2021! This week on the podcast I sat down and caught up with my gorgeous studio assistant Steph about all the gorgeous inspiration that has come about from the break that we both took over the past few weeks.

With our creative wells feeling full and nourished we are both looking forward to the month long painting challenge that I run here at Susan Nethercote Studio every February. Are you joining us this year? I really hope so because I adore the community that gathers for this challenge. And this year I have created something really, really special for those who would like to establish a dedicated painting practice.

I’ve just hit ‘publish’ on a new free mini e-course called ‘How To Paint As A Practice’ You need to be on my email list to gain free access so if you’re already getting my weekly education newsletter there’s noything more to do than find me free access code in my next newsletter.

And if you’re not on that list then you can sign up HERE .

Some of the key moments in this episode are;

  • How we’ve both taken time to fill our creative wells with inspiration by spending time in nature

  • How a shifting world has created possibility from hardship.

  • Why we’re starting 2021 in a spirit of play and exploration through the Feb #paintingasapractice challenge.

  • How we are choosing rhythms of creativity that work for us and our lives and families.

  • What to expect from my new FREE mini e-course and how to get access.

Enjoy the episode!

Suse ox


Access my free mini-ecourse!

Be sure to sign up below to get free access to my new mini-ecourse ‘How to Paint as Practice’ coming January 19th 2021.


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60. Finding Your Style and Painting Large


58. Filling Your Creative Cup During Times Of Rest