65. Second Time Around - Laura's New Exhibition
This week I’m catching up with my studio assistant Laura. For those of you who haven’t been with me for every episode the whole first season of this podcast is dedicated to me coaching Laura through the process of creating her first solo exhibition.
Fast forward 18 months and Laura is about to hang her second solo show. So in what appears to be a bit of a theme this year in checking in on the progress of my two emerging art-superstar studio assistant, this conversation focuses in on some of the key things that Laura has learnt from her first exhibition experience and how that is informing her second show.
In this episode we share:
How Laura has been following the threads of techniques you enjoy to evolve a body of work.
What it means to take brave steps to share the exploration phase of the development of artwork.
Laura shares some tools that help her start creating each day and overcome any resistance she feels towards her studio practice.
A reflection on Laura’s past art show and the experience she’s taking forward into this next exhibition.
I hope you enjoy the episode.
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Painting As A Practice Chapter 3:
Finding Your Style And Painting Large
The final chapter of the trilogy is now available!
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