67. Comparisonitis and the Hungry Ghost

In today's episode Steph and I are delving deep into something that we both find ourselves overcome by at times- comparison! In this very intimate episode, Steph and I both share about our own journeys with comparisonitis and the disabling effect that it's had on us at times.

In today’s episode Steph and I are delving deep into something that we both find ourselves overcome by at times- comparison!  In this very intimate episode, Steph and I both share about our own journeys with comparisonitis and the disabling effect that it’s had on us at times. 

We also look at ways that we deal with it when it arises, and some strategies we’ve learnt to use when overcome by the beast that is comparing ourselves with others.  I really hope you enjoy this intimate episode.

Some insights include:

  • How comparison shows up in different ways for myself and Steph

  • The link between the inner critic and comparing yourself to others.

  • Methods we use to manage the destructive responses triggered when we compare ourselves to others.

  • How zoning in on the WHY of your practice re-focuses your energies.

I just love this time of year- autumn equinox here in Australia and Spring equinox in the northern hemisphere.  Its always a time of year that feels like my creative juices really switch on and I can settle in for a good long stretch of art making.  So if you’re feeling that creative flow coming on too, then now is the perfect time to take advantage of my Equinox e-course sale starting on starting on 20th March 2021. 

You can get 20% off Chapter 1 of my painting as a practice e-course when you use the coupon code EQ1 at the checkout and also 20% off the chapters 1 & 2 Bundle when you use the code EQ2 at the checkout.  But it’s only until midnight on 30th March 2021. Check out www.susannethercotestudio.com/online-classes for more info.

I hope you enjoy the episode.

Suse ox



You can get 20% off Chapter 1 of my painting as a practice e-course when you use the coupon code EQ1 at the checkout.

There’s also 20% off the chapters 1 & 2 Bundle when you use the code EQ2 at the checkout. But it’s only until midnight on 30th March 2021.


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68. How To Trust In Your Creative Force With Myree Morsi


66. Embracing Neurodiversity With Phoebe Gander