69. Managing Commissions - A Listener Question Answered

In today's conversation Steph and I go deep on the topic of how we go about undertaking commissions in our art businesses. From how we got those first commissions, to strategies for pricing them, to ways of managing the inquiry process, we go deep in this one.

In today’s conversation Steph and I go deep on the topic of how we go about undertaking commissions in our art businesses. From how we got those first commissions, to strategies for pricing them, to ways of managing the inquiry process, we go deep in this one. So if you’ve every wondered how to go about creating a commissions process that is streamlined and works time and time again, grab yourself a cuppa and lets unpack the subject of commissions.

This highly practical episode includes:

  • Where commission requests come from.

  • How Suse automates some of her processes.

  • Some structures to protect yourself as an artist.

  • Pricing and deposits

I hope you enjoy the episode.

Suse ox


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70. Discovering A Greater Calling - Artist Interview With Melissa Brennan


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