Bringing a Body of Artwork to Completion - Episode 1

We're off and running with the Susan Nethercote Studio Insiders Art Podcast! So let's dive straight in. In this episode I introduce artist Laura Day, an emerging abstract artist preparing for her first solo exhibition. Laura also happens to be my studio assistant and all-round beautiful human.

Welcome to the very first episode of the Studio Insiders Art Podcast with me, Susan Nethercote. I’m so excited to share with you this insight into my studio practices and bring you along on a journey of creative discovery.

In this episode I introduce artist Laura Day, an emerging abstract artist preparing for her first solo exhibition.  Laura also happens to be my studio assistant and all-round beautiful human.  Listen in as we delve into the questions this process raises and I guide her along this path of becoming a professional artist.

You can be sure we are tackling some of the big stuff in this podcast and we’re diving straight in to a big, multifaceted question- how to bring a body of work to completion. I share my insights and strategies of how to go about things like: 

⦁Learning what finished ‘feels’ like for you
 ⦁How to divide up a large body of work into ‘families’ and identify the different styles that are emerging. 
⦁Allowing yourself to learn and grow as an emerging artist within the context of an exhibition. 
⦁Using social media as a testing ground for what’s working and what isn’t. 
⦁Utilising an exhibition as a marketing research tool.

I’m so excited to hear your thoughts on this episode and you can join the conversation over on my Instagram @susan.nethercote.  I’d love to hear if bringing your art to completion is one of your struggles?  Or maybe you have some of your own tips for this process? 

Of course, please rate and review this Podcast to help others find it and sign up for my Studio Insider emails so you never miss an episode, you'll receive loads of FREE goodies to help you in your art.



Laura Day:

Susan Nethercote:


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From Fashion Designer To Professional Artist – My Creative Journey - Episode 2