103. Building a multifaceted art business with Anna Price
In today’s episode, I’m chatting with fellow Aussie artist Anna Price. Anna is a Sydney-based artist who began painting full-time in 2019 after craving time away from her screen-based interior design career.
Growing up she was constantly drawing, and she’s circled back around to art as an adult and Mum of four. Anna paints intuitively, unscripted and untrained. She draws on her creative intelligence to come up with multiple styles of busy abstract expressionist and geometric style artworks. Her paintings are predominately large scale and involve huge amounts of bold colour. Her inspiration comes from repetition, scale, her surrounding environment and children’s literature.
Anna and I covered a lot of ground in this inspiring conversation, as she’s fit a lot into the past few years as her art career has rapidly blossomed. We chat through her experience with commissions and why she doesn’t do them anymore and mounting her first exhibition in her own gallery space. We also chat about her experience creating a repeat pattern shop and exploring making ‘art sweaters’. There is so much more in this fantastic conversation with Anna, who is incredibly generous with her information.
In this episode, we talked about:
Anna’s different styles
Her journey to becoming an artist
Her experience with commissions
The transition from having a home studio to a public studio - Shopfront in Sydney
How did Anna build her passive-income print business?
Anna’s first exhibition
Anna Price
Susan Nethercote
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