Looking for a way to Invigorate your
Painting Practice?

The ‘Painting as a Practice’ FREE painting challenge evergreen edition is for you! I used to run this month-long challenge every February. Now it’s available any time of the year you choose with the evergreen edition. Let’s Bring play, experimentation and regular practice back into our art.

This challenge, which consists of a list of daily prompts for one month, is a springboard for you to re-invigorate your art practice with fresh new ideas. It’s a structure that helps you to fall back into love with painting in a no pressure way each morning and discover rich new directions in your work.

Hundreds of artists around the world have taken up ‘Painting as a Practice’ challenge and injected new life into their painting practice through committing to a daily practice of painting just for fun.

So welcome back if you’ve participated before and a big WELCOME to the new artists who want to take up the challenge.

This self-guided challenge is super simple, flexible, and everything is optional. Here is how it works:

1. Download my sets of painting prompts and choose whichever suit you best. Each is designed to help your imagination soar.

2. Take my preparatory mini e-course for FREE to learn how to build a practice structure that works for you

3. Decide on your frequency (eg. I only paint on weekdays, not weekends)

4. Turn up each day you have committed to and paint. It’s that simple. Consider posting it to social media if you want some accountability.

5. If you’d like some focussed mixed media painting instruction throughout the month, check out my  ‘Painting as a Practice’ Trilogy of e-courses to guide you in fun techniques I have used in my own practice.

How to Participate

Take my free short e-course
‘How to Paint as a Practice"‘

to help you design the best approach to the challenge for YOU and YOUR life.

Download your free
Painting Prompts

Download course sets to choose from for your month long self-guided challenge

An optional extra, for those who want to SUPERCHARGE their practice month and make significant progress with the painting, consider taking one or all three of my trilogy of ‘Painting as a Practice’ e-courses, designed to nurture YOUR authentic style.

Supercharge your
Practice Month

Take one or all three of my ‘Painting as a Practice’ e-course Trilogy.