Painting As a Practice - A ‘Soft’ Art Challenge

Welcome to Painting As A Practice which I’m going to be running as what I like to call a ‘Soft Challenge’ through February 2020.

It’s something that I’ve created out of my own need to reignite my creativity and come home to myself through the spirit of play, exploration and just having fun with my paints.

I’m going to be painting everyday in the morning before I crack open my emails allowing me anchor myself in creativity and play before I move on to other projects.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to participate then anytime that works is great. There are NO RULES to Painting As A Practice, it’s all about carving out a few minutes every day where it’s all about creative play. And if painting every day just isn’t possible for you, no problem! Just dip in and out as you need. This is why it’s called a ‘soft’ challenge. It’s that easy.

I’m posting everyday over on Instagram using the hashtag #paintingasapractice and I invite you to join me. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you produce over this month of February so lets create from our hearts with spontaneity and a desire to re-awaken our creativity.

Hope to see you there!

Suse xo


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